Renaissance Enrollment, Rules & Regulations, Community Service, & Calendar
Board of Directors 2024-2025
President: Amy Johnston
Vice President: Kim Kaawa
Secretary: Lisa Toyomura
Treasurer: Kacie Watanabe
School Principal: Matt Dillon
Directors: Edward Garcia, Lynette Zakabi, Stacia Haban, Melanie Werner, Michele Cabebe, Kim Parducci, Vanessa Barker, Nikki Quinn
Organization Primary Mission:
The purpose of our organization primary mission is to help the school promote excellence and contribution to their community, state and nation. The purpose of the of the academic program is to equip our student with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they need to make responsible decisions to their own lives. Education should result in individual self-fulfillment as well as enabling students to contribute to their community, state and nation. Our goal is to instill pride, to strengthen basic skills and to inspire a positive attitude toward learning and excelling which should carry over to their adult lives. Our students are the future of our community.
Students Qualification: Renaissance Program Eligibility – Per Quarter
Students of Iao School may participate in the Renaissance programs and incentives by meeting all eligibility requirements each quarter.
Volunteer a minimum of 3 hours of community or school service each quarter Voluntary service to community or school examples:
Volunteer work for a valid non-profit organization that supports our local community
Maui Food Bank
Beach clean up
Serving at a homeless shelter facility or church
Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts service projects
4-H service projects, etc.
Students may also ask a teacher or staff member for school service credit.
Examples of non-eligible community service
Help renovating or remodeling your home
Babysitting your family members
Walking your dogs
Cleaning your yard
Helping at your family business
If you’re getting paid to helping (it’s not considered community service)
Support our annual fundraising efforts: The Iao School Renaissance Foundation is an independent non-profit 501 C (3) foundation that does not receive state or federal money. To support our quarterly incentive, banquet and award & scholarship programs an annual fundraiser campaign is held for students and volunteer board members.
1. No “D”s or “F”s on your final quarter report card, maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA
Gold Status: Grade Point Average 3.8 to 4.0
Maroon Status: Grade Point Average 3.0 to 3.7
White Status: Grade Point Average 2.0 to 2.9
2. Stay out of the Principal or Vice-Principal office – Be Respectful to all Teachers and Staff Members
No Class A offences
No Class B offences
No Class C offences
No Suspension​s, Detentions or Warnings
​Renaissance Incentive Programs:
Quarterly excursions and/or activities for qualifying students. Due to CDC Guidelines regarding COVID-19, our excursions/activities are to be determined per Quarter.
Renaissance t-shirts for qualifying students who meet the minimum requirements in the annual Renaissance fundraising program.
Renaissance Awards and Recognition:
​The following awards are presented annually to students who have met eligibility requirements:
Platinum Awards: 3 years of Gold (Straight A's and active in the Renaissance program)
Diamond Awards: 3 quarters of Gold in present school year
Gold Awards: 2 quarters of Gold in present school year
Silver Awards: 1 quarter Gold and 1 quarter of Maroon or 2 quarters White in present school year.
Bronze Awards: 1 quarter Gold and 1 quarter White, or 1 quarter Maroon and 1 quarter White, or 2 quarters of White in present school year.
Medallion Award: 1 quarter Gold, or 1 quarter Maroon, or 1 quarter White in present school year.
Outstanding Academic Student Award. One (1) Male and one (1) Female are selected each year based on a combination of academic achievement and community service.
Scholarship Program. The Iao School Renaissance Foundation also supports a scholarship program in the subject areas of Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, PE/Health, Fine Arts and Vocational Technology (VO/TECH). Three scholarships in each subject are area are awarded for each grade level (6th, 7th and 8th). To be eligible, students must have recommendations from a minimum of two (2) teachers, one of whom must be from the subject area in which they are applying, and the students must have met the minimum requirements set in the annual Renaissance fundraising program. ​
Masao Okasako Award. The Iao School Renaissance Foundation also oversees this award which is supported by a donation from the family of the Masao Okasako, a former principle of Iao School. In his memory, his widow, Mrs. Michiko Okasako and the executors of his trust established the award to recognize students who exemplify service to their school and community.
Magdalena B and Amancio D Education Scholarship Foundation for Outstanding Community Service Former Maui public school teachers, this outstanding community service scholarship is given to one (1) student who has significantly contributed to their communities through volunteer work, activism, or other forms of civic engagement with the most hours for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters of the current school year.
Community Service: We averaged over 2,364 hours of community service in school year 2023-2024
Renaissance students volunteered as a group and individually for various community organziations.
Community organziations that have been helped before were:
Maui Food Bank- packed 540 boxes for Disabled and Home Bound Senior Citizen in Maui County
Maui Native Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce – Packed 600 event bags
Kokua for KoKonuts Cancer Awareness Walk – Hand out water/First Aid Station
Made on Maui County event -Packed 2000 event bags
Baldwin High School Block Party - Games Booths
Maui Adult Day Care Center – Family Caregivers Walk – Hand out water/First Aid Station
We are very proud of our students and this program, and your support is be greatly appreciated.